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Now What?!


April 19 - May 28, 2021

The Now What?! Cafe opens on a regular schedule over the course of the gathering -- twenty six sessions in all -- on the Main Now What?! Zoom line.  


There is a "menu" for the Cafe that changes from time to time, shared below...

Now What?! Cafe

90 minute Zoom calls - drop in any time

Weekly UTC Times:
Mon 15:00 | Tue/Wed 24:00 | Wed 19:00 | Thu 12:00


See the "coffee colored" items on the calendar for local times and to RSVP

The Cafe is a place to...

  • Connect, network, and hang out

  • Get oriented to Now What?!

  • Promote your work

  • Exchange requests and offers

  • Participate in "Engagement Streams"



[Your item here]

Invite any conversation or activity you wish and go into a breakout with whomever chooses to join you

Orientation to Now What?!

A tour of the network map, calendar, website, etc.

Ask the Now What?! Oracle

Your personal questions answered via a playful journey through the Harvest from this edition of Now What?!  [How-to Guide]

Now What?! Reflections

Talk about what has touched you, moved you, or had meaning for you, and what might be possible during the remaining weeks of Now What?!

Gift Circle

Share​ needs, requests, offers, and gifts

The Noticing Game​

An "authentic relating" game​ for two or three people, using the innovative new VoiceVoice platform: click here to play

The Map Game​

Something to orient ourselves on our wonderful map!
Now What?! Cafe Menu
April 19 - May 28, 2021
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