Clare Hedin and Stephanie Mines
When we voice passion into being, we deepen our belonging; to Earth, to each other. This springs from our bonded relationship with the Earth and the Natural World. Vitality is in living and speaking our truth.
This connection to our Earth-Body is irrefutable and ancient. It is also the connection we have with each other in spite of decades of attempts to colonize our wildness. Discerning, nourishing, amplifying, and courageously promoting the voice of the Earth that lives in each one of us is embodied co-creative climate activism.
Colonization mutes, silences, and limits our passion. To erase it, we articulate vision with unswayable conviction. Colonization of the mind coupled with the debilitating impacts of climate crisis and the COVID pandemic escalates the despair that is reaching epic proportions daily. The antidote is embodied activism. Regardless of the weight of these existential threats, passion is always available to us, ready and waiting for us at the gateway of our own sensitivity; challenging us to rise up. Clear your field to claim your voice.
Embodied Activism springs us out of despair into wildness. It is the very force of life that brought us to incarnate at this auspicious and daunting time so that we come forward and act boldly
Embodied Activism offers a vital, present antidote to human domestication.
Signs of a colonized voice include:
1. Constantly comparing ourselves to others and deeming our own articulation inadequate;
2. Trying to measure up to the slick, packaged, edgy, faddish language that is popular;
3. Determining, all too quickly, that what others say is more significant than our own thoughts;
4. Not investing time in cultivating and shaping ideas;
5. Choosing silence over expression.
6. Assuming that others would not be interested in our ideas;
7. Resignation and defeatism; and
8. Not claiming your space to speak.
These are aspects of parasympathetic shock. In a climate crisis world, collapse is magnified by stress. The time has come to dare to break the pattern of inhibition and contribute to a world that, in truth, has room for you, to which you belong and that needs your voice. Passivity, avoidance, hiding, and idolizing others are the distractions cultivated by colonialism to maintain a status quo that is absolutely, unquestionably impossible to sustain. It is crumbling before our eyes. Our time is now to use the precious gift of our voices to make a difference, each one in our own way.
Embodied Activism breaks the rules of etiquette. It opens the willingness to challenge. It does not deny the personal; quite the opposite. Embodied Activism releases our full and active emotional expression; the rage and love that gets us out of our chairs and puts us wildly to work to pursue the dreams that only an entire planet can dream, a dream of freedom, equity, health, social and economic justice, and the right to thrive for everyone.
Our Earth family is convening. We are awakening into unbridled reclamation. There is no time to waste. Come back to your voice, the one you will remember from your early years. Claim your birthright to voice for the Earth, for future generations, and for your Earth-Body.
Join Dr. Mines and Clare Hedin on April 27th for an introductory Voice Your Truth event.
RSVP and access the Zoom link on the Now What?! calendar.