Films for the Planet is presenting its fifth annual Earth Week streaming film event, April 16-23. You are invited!
Click HERE to Signup now!
Register to watch free films throughout the week, participate in film discussions, and hear from leaders in the Rights of Nature movement who are working to ensure water protection and environmental personhood. Through stunning photography and timely narratives, we embark on a revealing journey that contemplates the river's timeless bounty and gives voice to its urgent challenges From the U.S. heartland to New Zealand and beyond -- our great rivers have a story to tell.
It’s up to us to listen—as together we set an intention to value, heal and protect our most precious natural resource. From pollution, industrial agriculture and water privatization to the Rights of Nature—we will explore how our personal and planetary health depends on fresh perspectives and collective action.
Featuring 15+ award-winning documentary films and 35+ presenters -- join filmmakers, citizen scientists, entrepreneurs, legal scholars, planetary citizens and movement leaders over the course of the 8-day festival. The program will surround topics such as —State of the River, Governance, Protecting the River, Food and Agriculture, Rights of Nature, Indigenous leadership and our relationship with Water, and Lifestyles in Harmony with Nature.
Free films and new releases only available April 16-23 include: Invisible Hand, Troubled Waters, WHERE THERE ONCE WAS WATER, Seven Rivers Walking, Kiss the Ground, and Rights of Nature to name a few.

Meet for a NowWhat?! conversation to talk about the films and context of the Summit April 27 at 10:00 PT Zoom link:
Your Films for the Planet registration comes with an invitation from our Global Freshwaters Summit partner to also join the summit free of charge. Watch free films from April 16 -23, and go at your own pace engaging with Films for the Planet's film program alongside the summits scheduled speaker program. Replays will be compiled at a later time, however the free films are only available for a limited time. Our program is designed to catalyze conversation and compliment the summits' themes.
This gathering is for anyone interested in protecting our most precious resource and the Rights of Nature movement.