An engagement stream during the Oct-Nov 2021 Now What?! gathering
Purpose and Intended Results
What can we learn from mycelium and the world of fungi about transformative collaboration and systems change?
During the four weeks of Now What?! (and perhaps beyond), a group is gathering for action-learning related to the question above. Our way of working is itself modeled on what it might mean to use a “mycelial approach,” centering the weaving of connections and relationships and looking for opportunities to produce “mushrooms” when the conditions support that, all without any centralized controls.
All who participate are offered a chance to extend an invitation to engage around an aspect of action-learning that is important to them. These invitations are shared via a spreadsheet (see links below) and the groups that emerge are asked to self-organize from there. Regular plenary sessions also provide a space for extending and acting on these invitations.
At the end of the engagement stream, participants will reflect on what has been learned and share additional invitations for collaboration, if desired.
[UPDATE: Zairah and Ben are interested in crafting a "story" of mycelium, inspired by the Butterfly Metamorphosis story that has become influential among people focused on systemic transformation. Email Ben if you want to be a part of this collaboration.]
Schedule of Now What?! Calls
Oct 29 Opening call (recording)
Nov 5, 9-10am EDT (local times and RSVP here)
This session will follow an “open space” format where participants are offered a chance to call a breakout on any topic of their choosing
Nov 12, 9-10am EST (local times and RSVP here)
Nov 17, 9-10 EST (recording)
Nov 21, 2-3:30 EST - Guided Nature Therapy Experience with Madeleine Charney, based on an invitation that emerged through our Now What?! sessions (local times and RSVP here)
Mycelial Approaches Invitations
Now What?!
Session recordings
Evolve 2021 session video Oct 20
Now What?! Session #1 Oct 29
Now What?! Session #4 Nov 17