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Now What?! Opening Ceremonies - 19th April 2021

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

(more Zoom info here)

Monday 19th April 2021 marks the start of the next edition of Now What?!, a six week journey of collectively exploring and practicing the art of being fully human in a time of crisis: sharing new and ancient wisdom, seeking mutual respect through building, deepening and expanding our relationships. Also exploring, co-creating and developing a gift economy to support us through the process.

We invite you to join us in our ceremonies of welcome, of honouring our place in this world, to honour the pain of the unnecessary losses and violence of our time, and also the radical abundance of this Earth we live in. The grief and the joy of being alive. The "two wings of the bird", as Martín Prechtel writes, which need each other if we're to fully fly. Attending and tending to those wings, collectively tending our heart, "so that it breaks open and not apart".

We offer these ceremonies with the intention to grow and deepen our roots in the soil of Now What?!, enriching a collective support to each and all participants, so that connections may come to life over the following weeks and beyond. To include more time zones, we offer Ceremony #1 (evening in Asia, afternoon in India/Europe, morning in the Americas) and Ceremony #2 (evening in Europe, afternoon in the Americas, morning in Oceania). Plus a whole stream of activities from our collective members and guests (see the calendar).

The very alive Now What?! is a co-creation to which you too can contribute, and was born from these questions:

  • What are the gifts of engagement and support that you might want to offer to those who will be gathering?

  • What are the requests you are prepared to make that might spark generosity in others?

Details about how to join the Opening Day and about Now What?! in general, as well as the link to register can be found at


The Ceremonies

In these times when the word "polarities" is so often heard, we want to bring awareness to and honour the diversity of perspectives that make the fabric of our reality. Two different times invite for two interpretations of the different ceremonial elements we have co-created. A dynamic flow through gender, place, ancestry, history. The invitation is to see the possibility in that richness, to embrace the paradoxes of life. May they serve as the poles and beams holding the iridescent tent over our fairgrounds.

Bringing awe through the connecting energy of sound and music we'll have Clare Hedin (UK, US, Greece), Nima Noury (Iran), Shiobara Teison (Japan), Suzanne Jones (US), and Vicki Burke (UK).

Rituals of gratitude and invitation, of honouring the land and our place in it, our responsibility and blessing, will be offered by Anayza (Perú, México), Winston Lau (Hong Kong) and Joy Foley (Australia).

Inquiry into the state of our world, the why of Now What?! and our personal intention in this time of crisis and possibility will be guided by Rob de Laet (Brazil), Stephanie Mines (US), Hannelie Venucia (South Africa), and Jennifer Comeau (US).

Holding the loom to continue the weaving of Now What?!, our very own Ben Roberts, who dreamed and birthed and nurtured this space, and collective members extraordinaire Akiko Frid, Han Venucia, and Jennifer Comeau.

And of course the diversity of emotions and feelings, of histories and stories, of intentions and expectations that each of you will be contributing to this magic container, while we get together to embrace this radically generous Earth. Our home.

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